Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunrise Breakfast

A few weeks ago Trevor had to go to Elko for work and then this past weekend he had his annual boys Winnemucca softball trip. Nonetheless Ethan has been craving some serious "daddy time." If only my original plan of having a sunrise pancake breakfast with my boys had worked out the way I had wanted...

First, Ethan was up off and on throughout the night starting at 1:00 a.m. So...when Trevor had to get up at 5 to leave for Carson City by 6 I knew there was no way I was getting Ethan up that early.

Next disaster...I have NO pancake mix!!!! What do I do??? Pull out my Betty Crocker cookbook and make them from scratch!!! They were the BEST pancakes EVER!! If you have never made pancakes from scratch you now have a Saturday morning project. Seriously they are phenomenal!!!

Anyway, Ethan got up at his normal time (6:45) and I surprised him with Mickey Mouse!

He's not perfect, but it was something fun for a Tuesday morning!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

National Park

Some days I really wish I had the luxury of just hopping in the car and driving until we end up in a remote location. I wish tonight I could have just said, "c'mon Ethan we're going on a Mommy-Ethan road trip to Zion National Park or Yellowstone." Then I remember 1) he's only 2, he is NOT going to have fun at a "park" where there isn't a slide or swings and 2) it's Monday and I have to work!!!

So we settled for the best thing available to us...Rancho San Rafael Park!!! It was my favorite park growing up, so i hope it will be
Ethan's favorite place too!!

We picked up chicken nuggets and french fries for our picn
ic which didn't last longer than 5 minutes because Ethan was mesmerized by all the jungle gyms!

Here are some shots from our Mommy-Ethan park date

Ethan eating our picnic

Humoring Mommy the Paparazzi in the tunnel

We spent the majority of time on this slide

I wouldn't have changed tonight for anything! Who needs a National Park with fun hiking trails when we've got slides and tunnels at Rancho!!!

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!