Monday, May 27, 2013

Backstage with Reed High School Cheerleading

I had such a great time at cheerleading tryouts last week. Together with my assistant coaches, Alex and Kelly and our good friends, Stephanie and Tara we picked an amazing team for the 2013-2014 season!! It amazed me how it felt like yesterday that I was waiting patiently for that list to be posted. I could feel the nerves in the hall even though I was in the gym!

Everyone was asking if I had a good group of girls, and honestly I knew it was going to be a tough decision once Friday arrived. Each girl brought such diversity and promise to the floor. I could tell these girls were going to be loyal to the bone!!! They all had amazing rythm, they made the dance look so easy!!! Ultimately the chemistry and seeing them perform live was even more fun!! I think Reed High School is in for an amazing cheerleading squad this year!! And I commend all the girls for making the team!!

It was a fast week, I had a lot of fun lacing up those cheer shoes and being out there with the girls! My children are going to get so much out of my coaching experience. Although they will be giving up a lot of mommy time, I know Ethan is going to fall in love with the high school sports atmosphere. They will both witness what it takes to commit to something, work SUPER hard and not give up. The pay off is a valuable less for all and an example of the rewards that dedication can bring. Trevor also steps up in a beautiful way with the kids. He is an amazing father, and he suppots me every step of the way. I know I will never work harder at anything in my life. For me, thre opportunity to be a role model for these girls is both thrilling and terrifying.

Everyone asks me how I am planning to manage juggling it all, two kids and the demanding schedule. I have to admit on some days, I don't know where I will find the strenth, but on others I know it will be a true testimony as mothers WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!! I have accommplished more as a mom that ever before. It is so easy to get into a rut and be hindered by fear that you may not succeed. I say go for everything you are contemplating, especially the things that scare you. I have learned so much about myself from facing ALL my fears with 38 sets of eyes on me.

It is humbling having that many people counting on you, and I'm so honored to get to pass on my knowledge and love of the sport. I realize the importance of exposing our children to as much as our mean allow over the season. How else could we know what talents may be hidden? I know I will do this with my own children.

Over the past year I have learned how precious the moments we take for granted with our children are. The most difficult part of coaching is the time it kept me away from children. I missed the simple moments at home and I began to cherish the time we did have together. I made sure that our time was quality time spent with undivided attention - - something I know many of us are guilty of. We all want what we can't have. Enjoy all the moments that you can share with your kids, because time sure flies by!!

Congrats 2013-2014 Reed Cheerleaders...I look forward to spending every minute with you girls over the next school year!!!!

Silly Bio

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I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!