Monday, December 31, 2012

As 2012 Comes to a Close...

2012 has been a year of ups and downs, happy moments and sad times, a year of gain and a year of loss. In reflection a lot has been learned from the trials and tribulations our little family has endured.

Normally I would make a 10-page list of resolutions that I would only keep for a week tops, but instead of doing that this year I only want to look at the things that I have learned over the last year and improve.

I think everything in life is an art, your choice of words; what you wear; how you smile and put others at ease; the way you pack your kids' lunches; or how you gift wrap a present. Even the stuff you put in your purse says somthing about you. I never stop to reflect on how my actions, no matter how small, effect those around me. My hope is that I will take a moment and put thought into everyday actions that make me and those around me feel great, nothing is more touching than using a little creativity to show those we care about how much we love them. I mean everyone who knows me knows that I love to be creative with everything I do, from wrapping a gift to planning a's just who I am!! Afterall, the details of daily life add up to who we are - so why not strive to be the one who inspires others?!

Originally the idea for this blog came from my desire to share my ideas and inspirations for elevating everyday life. However, after having my sister move across an ocean and reflecting on how important my family is to me, however near or far, I decided that while I still want to share the creative juices that flow in the Bradshaw Nook, I really want to make our Crazy 4 a part of everyone we care abouts' lives. I want our family everywhere to be able to watch our kids grow up and our family expand. I want to make sure that even if we don't get see them everyday, they still feel like they saw us yesterday.

There are so many aspects of our lives that I hope to improve on and share over the next year. I am constantly working on being healthier, and trying new things to see what works and what is realistic for a working mom! Let's be honest - we all get stressed from time to time and often that manifests physically. I just need to step back and take a reality check on what is important and what can wait. We all need to just remember to stay in tune with ourselves; body, spirit and mind...and all the little voices we have screaming at us 24/ I the only one who has those??

My kids are the most important thing to me, they are my whole world. If only we could all be stay-at-home moms with amazing careers and perpetually perfect hair!! Wouldn't that be ideal?? I have switched jobs this year and even took a month off to stay home with Carter Bug. I find myself struggling because I think I work too many hours and don't get enough time with my kids. I know they are only going to be this age once, so hopefully I can find the perfect balance in 2013!!

Since being a 24/7 mom, wife, housekeeper, cook; a full-time Legal Assistant, part-time cheer coach and All-Star cheerleader isn't enough, an entrepruenerial empire is also on my list of must-haves. I have been dreaming since i was probably 7 of having my own Event Planning Busines...which I fully intend on launching early into 2013. Planning a party is as much fun as attending one in my book. For me entertaining is a passion, it's just part of who I am. Stay-tuned for more updates on the launch of JBradshaw Events!!

For over a year now Trevor and I have debating whether or not it's time to move into a bigger house. I will keep you all in suspense as to what we decide. But I will say this, whether we stay in the home we're in now or find a new one I plan on using the next year to build an elegant home that transcends the ever-changing trends that will be a comfort and retreat for all our friends and family!!

The second to last thing that I have realized I love, but need drastic improvement on is cooking!!! I love cooking and the creativity that I can put into preparing a meal. From preparing party food to snacks for the Bradshaw Pipsqueaks, to even having the energy to prepare Monday Night meals...I think Trevor, Ethan and Carter will appreciate Mama spending a little more time in the kitchen and less time in the drive-through line at McDonald's!!!

Finally, today is mine and Trevor's 2nd wedding anniverary! It is crazy to me that we have been married for 2 years and that we have almost been together for 5!! I love that man so much, we have so many great memories already, and we have so much fun together. He definitely puts up with all my crazy ideas and my craft projects! He even told me on Saturday that the burnt crust on my pumpkin pie was his favorite part! What a man!! We have been trying to have Date Nights once a week so we can focus on just each other and not the kids or work or the other 500 things that are part of our lives. I think in a healthy relationship the honeymoon is a cozy place that you can always return to, if as much effort is put into cultivating the relationship as is put into raising the kids!

I know this is a long post, and I promis I will try over the next year to not only keep this updated but to not be so wordy!! I just wanted to take a minute (or 10) to share the aspects of our lives that we have been reflecting on and want to improve for 2013!


xoxo -

The Bradshaws

Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!