Monday, November 22, 2010

The Last 6 Months

Well here we are, it's November 22 and I haven't written a note in 6 months!! A lot has been happening for our little trio. Let's start with the most important of all...


Yep, Trevor proposed...I know everyone was thinking or may still be thinking... FINALLY!! We were in Las Vegas for his sister's wedding and he popped the questions at the Mandalay Bay Aquarium. I was a lot of fun. Well the ring pictured was actually ring #2 (my hand is on the left, Michaela's is on the right...yep we are both getting married within 3 months of each other!!!!), but after 6 months of fighting with the jewelry designer they finally got it right! New Year's Eve will be the day we say "I Do!" It's coming up quick!

So as I just said we were in Las Vegas in July celebrating Tara & Casey's nuptials. It was sweltering and there was a lot of work to do. But it was definitely one of the best weddings I 've ever been to. Ethan was the ring bearer, he did such a good job walking down the aisle. I cannot be responisble for the rock throwing that took place once he made it to the altar though!!

Trevor turned 28 in August. We had a super fun Kickball party in the park for him. I unfortunately do not have any pictures of this milestone event!! He will be so mad knowing that I just announced to everyone that he's 28!! Oops, I just did it again!!!

September we took engagement's just a sneak peak (I know everyone has seen these since they were in the invitations, but just indulge my catch-up blog!)

Ethan's 2nd birthday party was here and gone. Halloween came and went before I could even blink. Ethan was Mickey Mouse for Halloween, I was Daisy Duck and Trevor was Goofy. Ethan hated his costume unfortunately and wouldn't leave it on for us to take pictures.

And now it is November, the time of the year to acknowledge all that you are thankful for. I am thankful for so many things: Trevor, Ethan, my family & friends, my job, that I am able to give to those who do not have. The list is long. Hopefully I can remember to update this more often as there are a lot of fun and exciting things coming up this week and this next month.


Silly Bio

My photo
I am a full time mom and wife, who also happens to have a full time job outside of the home. I love coming up with creative family time and date night ideas, i love baking, shopping, crafting and transforming our house into our own special nook. I have 3 amazing boys and a wonderful husband who completely balances me out and puts up with all my crazy ideas!